My quest for the best running socks

22 May

It’s all about the gear. I may have used that obsession with the right gear to justify some extensive purchases and many a trial of products but none more than running socks.

Your feet are bearing the brunt of your entire body in motion pounding the pavement. The least you can do is offer them the best comfort and technology out there.

In all the socks I’ve tried – including years of Nike running, adidas, and even some off brands from running specialty shops THE BEST RUNNING SOCK is the Nike Dri-Fit Elite Cushion No-Show.

Nike Dri-Fit Cushion No-Show Socks

Product details below but these are the game changers friends.

The Nike Dri-FIT Elite Cushion No-Show Running Socks are made with sweat-wicking fabric in a design tailored specifically to women. Three levels of cushioning reduce impact while built-in arch support wraps the foot for a snug, athletic fit.

Dri-FIT fabric to wick away sweat and help keep you dry and comfortable
Rib cuffs for snug fit and durability
Nike Swift technology to reduce aerodynamic drag on the ankle
Curved heel and tapered toe box designed for a woman’s foot
Cushion foot for comfort and shock absorption
Arch support for a snug, secure fit
Left/right-specific for enhanced fit

Planning for Greece!

15 May

Greece has been on my shortlist of places to visit for as long as I can remember.

As an Anthropology and more specifically Archaeology student/nerd I’ve been mesmerized by all of the ruins and history and sites…needless to say while some people envision Greece as their exotic honeymoon location it’s always been a history dork-out for me.

This July I not only turn 30 but I’m also taking my first real BIG vacation to GREECE! Booked my flights in March and suddenly it’s the middle of May and I need to nail down hotels/lodging, an actual itinerary, transportation and the what to see/when list of tourism.

Athens will be the only mainland destination and the rest of the 13 days is split amongst some key islands. I mean, after all it’s July, the peak of heat and high season and I need some relaxation via beach.

Share any tips or must sees my way and here’s the first look at my plan:

Arrive Friday, 7/19 late evening – Athens
Saturday, 7/20 and Sunday, 7/21 – Athens
Monday, 7/22 – Leave Athens for Mykonos – Arrive Mykonos/day to explore/evening
Tuesday, 7/23 – Day trip from Mykonos to Delos – evening in Mykonos
Wednesday, 7/24 – Leave Mykonos for Naxos – Arrive Naxos explore/evening
Thursday, 7/25 and Friday, 7/26 – Naxos
Saturday, 7/27 – Leave Naxos for Santorini – Arrive Santorini explore/evening
Sunday, 7/28 – Tuesday, 7/30 – Santorini
Wednesday, 7/31 – Leave Santorini/Back to Athens – arrive/relax and spend the night
Thursday, 8/1 – Fly back to USA

Headaches and Hypochondria

14 May

I went running Friday AM. I didn’t get as much sleep as I would of liked but I went running anyway. Got home, stretched, showered and headed out to work all the while making sure to drink lots of water to rehydrate since you already wake up in the morning dehydrated from 8 hours of zero water intake.

Get to work. Headache starts. I chalk this up to dehydration from my run. Drink more water. Day lingers on. Headache continues. At this point I assume it’s part lingering dehydration and part lack of sleep. I take Advil. Yes, the hippie drug-free lifestyle was reduced to taking the drugs.

Get in the car with friends and head to Half Moon Bay for a wedding weekend. No time for naps. Keep drinking water. Go to the welcome party. Headache continues. Go to post-party dinner. Finally, get to the hotel go to bed.

Sleep poorly. Wake up Saturday earlier than I would of liked. Headache still lingers. Go to lunch with friends. Run some errands for the bride. Keep hydrating. Headache doesn’t fade. No time for naps. Get ready. Rush out the door. Wedding festivities. Take more Advil. Come home and go to bed.

Sleep poorly. Get up. Eat breakfast with friends. Headache lingers. Take Advil. Get in the car. Head back to San Francisco. Immediately put on pajamas and catch up on my stories on my DVR while laying on the couch. Google headache causes. Freak out. Go for a walk thinking fresh air might help. It doesn’t. Go grocery shopping. Eat a late lunch. Take a nap. Headache lingers. Drink more water. Attempt to go to bed early. More google and WebMD of headache symptoms and causes. Freak out part 2. Hope catching up on sleep helps.

Wake up hoping the headache is gone to go for a run before work. It’s not. Hydrate. Go to work. Headache comin’ in hot. Take Advil. Can’t focus. More googling. Too much pain. Make a doctor’s appointment for the AM. Come home from work. Eat dinner. Go to bed while still light out.

Wake up. What’s that…is my headache…STILL THERE. Get ready. Walk to doctor’s appointment. List symptoms for my doctor. Doctor runs neurological tests. Thinks my headaches are not a brain tumor (Yay!). Doctor gives me migraine meds to try and lists a plan of attack for ruling out migraines (most likely), followed by tension headaches and finally the least likely culprit, allergies.

So here we are. Dose 1 of Relpax migraine meds has been taken. Dose 2 in the next 30 minutes and if this doesn’t work we move on to 3 days for tension headache remedies including heavy does ibuprofen, muscle relaxants and massage. If none of that works then it’s a cocktail of Claritin, Sudafed and Motrin.

I feel like an episode of House. Even though I’ve never seen that show. Fingers crossed it’s just migraines…I guess. For now, the google/WebMD and I are keeping our distance.


Crush Battle Royale

8 May

John Krasinski and Jimmy Fallon engaged in a lip syncing battle on Late Night and this made my entire day.

It also reminded me that when it comes to celebrity crushes I really have excellent taste.

Hiatus like WHOA.

7 May

So it turns out I really botched that whole blogging once a week 2012 goal. In fact it’s been just a couple weeks short of a YEAR since I blogged. Which basically means I’m the only person who remembers this blog exists.

BUT I’m no quitter. So here we are. I missed my 5 year Blogiversary – and given my lack of keeping up with this it’s no major cause for celebration.

I will get better about blogging and sharing posts of what I’ve been up to, what things I find in the world I want to share and using this little space on the interwebs to keep myself honest about what I want to achieve.

In the spirit of looking forward (don’t worry friends, there’s plenty of time for rehashing the missing year of activities on this bad boy) I want to share three things I am excited for in the next week:

1. The Great Gatsby. The soundtrack is outstanding, the previews look breathtaking and it’s a great book so I can only hope the movie will achieve the same special place of lovely in my heart.

2. My first trip to Half Moon Bay for my friend Maggie’s wedding! Can’t wait to see a new gorgeous part of California and celebrate with friends.

3. Getting back into running. Yes, I just completed the Nike Women’s Half Marathon on DC on 4/28/13 but it actually inspired me to want to be a better runner – which means training and discipline and for the first time in a long time I want that.

Quick, simple and with the post-it note I left on my desk here at work reminding me to BLOG hopefully the first of many as I re-vamp this site a little…after all, it’s been 5 years.


Song of the Day.

29 May

Nerd Check-In

23 Apr

Unlike other of my goals for 2012 I have been killing it on my goal to read 36 books this year. KILLING IT.

We’re almost at the end of the 4th month of the year, so 1/3 in and I’ve read 18 books. Yes, that’s half of my goal completed. I’m even thinking of upping my goal to 50 books. Nerd gone wild.

I use Good Reads, which I absolutely love, so if you want a new social media outlet get on board and let’s compare shelves. Favorite books so far this year: When the Emperor was Divine by Julie Otsuka, The Sherlockian by Graham Moore and Bossypants by Tina Fey.

Any book recommendations I should add to my to-read shelf and/or holds list for the library? Yes, that’s right, I use the library. Old school nerd style.

Bring on the tan.

20 Apr

After what seemed like forever – but was really max 6 days of rain over a 2.5 week period – the sun is out and it’s going to be an AMAZING weekend in San Francisco.

I’m talking HOT 80 degree temps – and there is nothing I want more than some sunshine filled runs, some tan lines accumulated from reading in the park and roofies with my ladies. No, not the memory erasing kind, the roofies in which we roll out the lawn chairs, the chilled bottles of champers, the sandwiches and sunscreen and laugh while enjoying amazing SF marina views and hilarious stories.

So bring on the weekend, the laughs, the tans and the vitamin D overdoses. I can’t wait!

A Pretty Rad Ad

12 Apr

Working in advertising sometimes you get bogged down in all the rounds of development, and client conversations, and edits, and legal compliance and whatever else that tweaks the work as it goes from a brief to a finished product.

Then you see something rad and you’re reminded that cool work is still out there and this is one of those moments.

Nike Fuel Band had a director go rogue with their budget and make something so good you forget for just a few minutes that what you’re watching is trying to pry into your wallet and sell you something.

The full story here:

New Gear

26 Mar

I hit a bit of a lull in my swim, run, yoga workout fest late last month. I had two back to back weekends in Tahoe (I won’t complain about that because Tahoe is amazing and the trips were fantastic) but running at altitude after living at sea level is not a pretty feeling for your lungs and anytime you spend a weekend traveling out of town it takes a couple days to recover before you’re bounding out of bed at 6am to workout.

After that minor set back I then jumped back in perhaps a bit too ambitious – aka I didn’t account for any time off and went a bit overboard. So after giving myself some run recovery time and ramping up my swim workouts I’m back – and what says back in action like NEW GEAR!

I realized after 3 years, open water swims and a triathlon or two I shouldn’t of been shocked to see the indentation on my goggles leaking in water. Plus, when you’re spending 4-5 hours in a pool a week it gets annoying having a little mini pool in your right goggle. NEW GOGGLE TIME!

Also, nothing says no excuses like new running shoes. If you’re serious into running and haven’t ever tried Brooks you are missing out. These bad boys are my gold standard for comfort, long mileage and durability. AMAZING – NEW SHOES!



Brooks – Glycerin 9.